Elcho Ridge offers a wide scope of services to ensure that our customers do not have the hassle of maintaining their property, just pure enjoyment of their space!
Weekly lawn and garden maintenance
Grass cutting | Weed pulling | Cultivating | Edging | Pruning | Shearing | Fertilizing | Weed & Pest control
Include us in your plans and have your yard be the envy of the neighbourhood. A breathtaking and stress-free yard is achievable.
Let us take care of your weekly lawn cutting and weed pulling to ensure a polished look.
Your weekly lawn cutting, and weed pulling with an edge.
While we work away on your property through the year doing basic maintenance we are also viewing the property overall to:
Assist a new landscape in properly establishing. Then promoting and encouraging it into the mature landscape it was intended to be.
Encourage a mature landscape to always produce new growth. A mature landscape doesn’t have to be an old landscape. With proper pruning techniques we are able to keep the landscape looking fresh. with the added advantage of mature structure and root systems to take in more nutrients we produce more, bigger, vibrant flowers and foliage.
Fall clean up
Leaf clean up | Fall pruning | Planting | Fertilizing
Once fall rolls around, the lawn, trees and plants begin to store nutrients and energy before winter. It is important to keep up with pruning, leaf clean up and fertilizing to ensure a successful start to their blooming in the Spring time.
This is our favourite time of year!
Let us set you up for a successful Spring season:
Cut perennials back
Plant bulbs and mums
Move plants around in the garden
Provide protection for the more delicate plants to prevent drying out or damage through the winter with burlap, deer fencing, mounding,
Covering bird baths and disposing of planter materials
Spring Cleanup
Leaf clean up | Spring pruning | Planting | Edges
Your gardens have been tucked away all winter and are about to burst with life again! let us help bring them back to life with our expert gardening services.
Spring is the most exciting time of year!
There’s a lot of work to be done to prepare your garden to bloom:
Clean up the natural debris that has been gathering around your property all winter.
Prune your shrubs and small trees to promote good structure and vibrant blooms!
Cultivate and edge the gardens to spruce the entire properties appearance
Take advantage of the spring weather and do some planting so we can oversee new plants as they establish and adapt to their new home in your garden
Spring cut flower plantings
Commercial Snow & Ice
Snow & Ice Management
Focus on your business and let us handle the weather!
The safety of your employees and clients is important and we would love to take that stress off your mind.
No longer will you dread an impending winter storm
We will ensure parking lots remain plowed and easily accessible to customers and employees
Sidewalks will be clear and free of ice
We will monitor the weather and take fast action when it is needed so you can spend your time working on your business